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Welcome to Hilerio watches. Our goal is to redesign what a modern watch is supposed to be. On one hand, you have watches that cost hundreds of dollars and look good; on the other hand, you have watches that are cheap and don't look good. You've noticed that the affordable watches are all marketed as "minimalistic" and "universal". You've also noticed that too many watches that look good will often run hundreds of dollars.


Well, not here. At Hilerio, we're combining the beauty of a well-designed watch and affordability. Say goodbye to inexpensive watches that have no personality, that are "minimalistic", and that look like every other "affordable" watch on the market. 


Embrace tradition. Embrace personality. Embrace being unique and not like everyone else.


You're not boring, so why should your watch be?

Why the rooster?


There are a few reasons why we stuck with the rooster. The rooster represents determination, vigilance, and confidence - attributes we value at Hilerio Watches. They are elegant and powerful animals and the leaders of their flock.


Another connection the rooster has is with the Apostle Peter's denial of Jesus. According to the Gospel of Matthew (26:69-75), before the rooster crowed, Jesus prophesied that Peter would deny him three times. After Peter's third denial, the rooster crowed, symbolizing the fulfillment of Jesus' prediction and serving as a poignant reminder of human fallibility and the need for repentance.


Thus, the story of Peter's denial and the crowing of the rooster is not just about the denial itself, but also about redemption. After Peter's denial, he experiences deep remorse and later becomes an Apostle. The rooster, in this context, becomes a symbol of forgiveness, redemption, and the transformative power of grace.




What does Hilerio mean?


Hilerio is a surname that hails from the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal).  Hilerio means "joyous" and was a name adopted by Spanish and Portuguese Christians to represent their joy and hope of salvation.


My Papi (grandfather) and Mamá (grandmother) left Spain in the mid 1900's to sail to America. They landed in Puerto Rico where they would fall in love. Papi left for the United States before Mamá and would work to raise enough money to bring her and his family over to the States. Eventually, his hard work paid off. Mamá and Papi would settle down in New Yorks Bronx where they would give birth to my dad and aunt. 


After my dad moved to New Jersey and meeting my mom, the rest is history.

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